Subscriptions Information and Gift Aid Declaration Form
It is now possible for members to pay their annual subscriptions directly using internet banking. The Choir's bank details should be requested from the Treasurer or Secretary in person. If your bank allows you to put in a reference with the transaction, please put your name and 'CBC subs' in the reference box.
Membership fees for the 2024-25 session are £180.00 . The Treasurer will also accept cheques to this amount at rehearsals. Subscriptions should be paid as soon as possible with the start of the new session and no later than the last rehearsal in October.
IMPORTANT:- During the first few weeks of rehearsals you will be given a form to complete which requests your name and contact data. This information is held by the Choir under the terms of the Data Protection Act. The form will also request that you Gift Aid your membership fees so that the Choir may benefit from this arrangement. A copy of the form may be downloaded ( here ). Please ensure you complete the form and return to the Secretary as soon as possible as this means we can ensure we have the correct data for contacting you. Please remember to do this even if you have paid your subscriptions directly to the Bank.
Membership fees for the 2024-25 session are £180.00 . The Treasurer will also accept cheques to this amount at rehearsals. Subscriptions should be paid as soon as possible with the start of the new session and no later than the last rehearsal in October.
IMPORTANT:- During the first few weeks of rehearsals you will be given a form to complete which requests your name and contact data. This information is held by the Choir under the terms of the Data Protection Act. The form will also request that you Gift Aid your membership fees so that the Choir may benefit from this arrangement. A copy of the form may be downloaded ( here ). Please ensure you complete the form and return to the Secretary as soon as possible as this means we can ensure we have the correct data for contacting you. Please remember to do this even if you have paid your subscriptions directly to the Bank.