Data Protection Statement and Enrolment Form
To obtain a printed copy of the following page click HERE .
Cardiff Bach Choir
Data protection
In order to operate, Cardiff Bach Choir needs to gather, store and use certain forms of information about individuals including members of the choir, audiences and people contracted to work with the Choir
The data we collect is collected in accordance with the General DATA Protection Regulation 2018. The regulations
- Protect the rights of our members, volunteers and supporters
- Complies with data protection law and follows good practice
- Protect the group from the risks of a data breach
- Names
- Email addresses
- Postal addresses
- Phone numbers
- Any other personal information held (e.g. financial such as payment of subs)
- age
The full document can be viewed on request from the Secretary of the Choir and will be posted on the Choir website in the members section
A member’s [name and contact details] will be collected when they first join the group, and will be used to contact the member regarding group membership administration and activities. Other data may also subsequently be collected in relation to their membership, including their payment history e.g ‘subs’. Where possible CBC will anonymise this data
- CBC will only collect and use personal data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and will only use the data for those specified purposes e,g to inform members of rehearsals, concerts, payment reminders and any other information or events relating to choir activities or to pass on information from other organisations if appropriate
- CBC will ensure any data collected is relevant and not excessive
- CBC will ensure data is accurate and up-to-date
- CBC will ensure data is not kept longer than necessary (i.e. while the person remains a member of the choir)
- CBC will keep personal data secure (this means electronic data is password protected)
- CBC will only share members’ data with other members with the subject’s prior consent
- The data will be held by the secretary and treasurer of the Choir
- Members details will not be shared with any other third party or organisation
As an individual you have the right to see what information CBC holds on you, to request it is updated if circumstances or information changes.
I have read the data protection summary and agree to my details as below being held by Cardiff Bach Choir in accordance with the information above
Please print
First Name _____________________________________________
Surname _______________________________________________
County _________________________ Post Code ______________
Home Telephone __________________Work Telephone ( if appropriate)______________
Mobile No.______________________________________________
e mail address ____________________________________________
Signed _____________________________________ Date ________________________
DSD/March 2018